Hirose Akira (played by Matsushima Caiako) loses his passion for the teaching profession, while Mitsuru (played by Hideaki Takazawa) is strictly demanded by his mother, Mirro (played by Kuroki Tsutomi), to inherit the hospital family business. The first time they met was when both of them were in a desperate situation. Unknown. At that time, I only wanted to marry my fianc é to escape school
Hirose Akira (played by Matsushima Caiako) loses his passion for the teaching profession, while Mitsuru (played by Hideaki Takazawa) is strictly demanded by his mother, Mirro (played by Kuroki Tsutomi), to inherit the hospital family business. The first time they met was when both of them were in a desperate situation. Unknown. At that time, I only wanted to marry my fianc é to escape school