In April of the first year of Heisei, a student from Liaoxi High School, Nishikawa Higashi, competed with his opponent (and also his friend) Kuroki Kai for the championship of the Japanese Martial Arts Competition. As the competition heated up, the two were surrounded by a burst of white light and disappeared simultaneously. After waking up, I found myself in a completely unfamiliar world - the Sky Realm. Shi Po
In April of the first year of Heisei, a student from Liaoxi High School, Nishikawa Higashi, competed with his opponent (and also his friend) Kuroki Kai for the championship of the Japanese Martial Arts Competition. As the competition heated up, the two were surrounded by a burst of white light and disappeared simultaneously. After waking up, I found myself in a completely unfamiliar world - the Sky Realm. Shi Po