"Chushi Biao" is a humorous political TV series that tells the story of a one-year contract district councilor named Ju Shila (played by Lin Jinna) and a demoted elite affairs officer named Xu Kongming (played by Park Seung hoon), working together to punish corrupt political figures. Park Cheng hoon will play the role of Level 5 affairs officer - Xu Kongming, who is a member of the district court in the drama
"Chushi Biao" is a humorous political TV series that tells the story of a one-year contract district councilor named Ju Shila (played by Lin Jinna) and a demoted elite affairs officer named Xu Kongming (played by Park Seung hoon), working together to punish corrupt political figures. Park Cheng hoon will play the role of Level 5 affairs officer - Xu Kongming, who is a member of the district court in the drama