Adapted from the manga of the same name, "The Law of Peaceful Coexistence for Brothers with Different Surnames", it tells the daily story of mutual pitfalls and mutual assistance between the older brother with a cool exterior and the younger brother with a different surname who is both silly and cute. They attack and defend Gao Xia Li Xian! What kind of sparks will they ignite when you can't stop watching the novelty of their imagination?
Adapted from the manga of the same name, "The Law of Peaceful Coexistence for Brothers with Different Surnames", it tells the daily story of mutual pitfalls and mutual assistance between the older brother with a cool exterior and the younger brother with a different surname who is both silly and cute. They attack and defend Gao Xia Li Xian! What kind of sparks will they ignite when you can't stop watching the novelty of their imagination?