In 1945, in Huatai, the cherry tree planted by Jiang Liantie (Yoshinaga lilies) with great care bloomed. This was the seed brought back by her husband Tojiro (Abe Kuan) from mainland Japan. In August, the Soviet Union invaded Nanhuatai, and Tie and his sons fled to Hokkaido Net. In the cold and frozen land, Tie lived a life of poverty that was difficult to feed
In 1945, in Huatai, the cherry tree planted by Jiang Liantie (Yoshinaga lilies) with great care bloomed. This was the seed brought back by her husband Tojiro (Abe Kuan) from mainland Japan. In August, the Soviet Union invaded Nanhuatai, and Tie and his sons fled to Hokkaido Net. In the cold and frozen land, Tie lived a life of poverty that was difficult to feed