The series starts from the perspective of young people born in 1995 and tells the story of Zhao Sanyue (played by Zhou still), who came to the funeral home by chance to work as a makeup artist. From embracing the unknown about this profession when she first entered the industry, to realizing the importance of life and death and studying body makeup with dedication. At the same time, the drama takes Zhao Sanyue as the starting point and uses Zhao Sanyue's growth perspective
The series starts from the perspective of young people born in 1995 and tells the story of Zhao Sanyue (played by Zhou still), who came to the funeral home by chance to work as a makeup artist. From embracing the unknown about this profession when she first entered the industry, to realizing the importance of life and death and studying body makeup with dedication. At the same time, the drama takes Zhao Sanyue as the starting point and uses Zhao Sanyue's growth perspective