The story takes place in the 1930s in the Sichuan Tibet region, on the grasslands of Zhongdian region, where a brave and brave young man named Zhaxi Pingcuo (played by Hu Ge) gallops on horseback. The tragic scene that happened to his mother during his childhood led him, with a desire for revenge, to follow Cordyceps father into Kowloon Bay and become a bandit. After reaching adulthood, in order to save those who were
The story takes place in the 1930s in the Sichuan Tibet region, on the grasslands of Zhongdian region, where a brave and brave young man named Zhaxi Pingcuo (played by Hu Ge) gallops on horseback. The tragic scene that happened to his mother during his childhood led him, with a desire for revenge, to follow Cordyceps father into Kowloon Bay and become a bandit. After reaching adulthood, in order to save those who were