In 1945, the long and arduous eight year Anti Japanese War finally came to an end. Veteran Zhang Xiangbei (played by Yu Zhenyu), who has been baptized by war, and his brothers return to their long lost hometown of Liaocheng in the northeast. Unexpectedly, peace and health have not yet arrived, and the situation of bureaucratic corruption and bullying is still serious. His father is also framed and accused of being a traitor
In 1945, the long and arduous eight year Anti Japanese War finally came to an end. Veteran Zhang Xiangbei (played by Yu Zhenyu), who has been baptized by war, and his brothers return to their long lost hometown of Liaocheng in the northeast. Unexpectedly, peace and health have not yet arrived, and the situation of bureaucratic corruption and bullying is still serious. His father is also framed and accused of being a traitor