"The Man Who Does Housework" is a popular lifestyle observation program that iQiyi has successfully produced for three seasons and is about to release for the fourth season. The program takes "men doing household chores" as the starting point, depicting the various aspects of life from the daily chores of daily life, and exploring the myriad of things in the world from the complex household chores. In the fourth season, it is said that "household chores are a big deal"
"The Man Who Does Housework" is a popular lifestyle observation program that iQiyi has successfully produced for three seasons and is about to release for the fourth season. The program takes "men doing household chores" as the starting point, depicting the various aspects of life from the daily chores of daily life, and exploring the myriad of things in the world from the complex household chores. In the fourth season, it is said that "household chores are a big deal"