"The Untamed Mountain" is a fantasy love movie in ancient costumes produced by Yingmei Media, Shuiji Yinghua, Wannian Sos, supervised by Juxingmao, and starring Wang Lixin, Chen Jie, Xu Ke, Zhai Yishu, and others. The film tells the story of the scorpion spirit Zuo Bingqing, who has been practicing for many years on Mount Bu Shen, going down the mountain and experiencing tribulations. He meets the "rookie" demon catching master Yu San and two others
"The Untamed Mountain" is a fantasy love movie in ancient costumes produced by Yingmei Media, Shuiji Yinghua, Wannian Sos, supervised by Juxingmao, and starring Wang Lixin, Chen Jie, Xu Ke, Zhai Yishu, and others. The film tells the story of the scorpion spirit Zuo Bingqing, who has been practicing for many years on Mount Bu Shen, going down the mountain and experiencing tribulations. He meets the "rookie" demon catching master Yu San and two others