Uesugi Tatsuya (voiced by Miya Yuji) and Uesugi Kazuya (voiced by Namba Keiichi) are twin brothers who grew up together with Asakura Nana (voiced by Higashiko) who lives next door. All three of them entered Mingqing Academy to study. Although they are twins, Daya and Heya have completely opposite personalities. And she is also a school girl
Uesugi Tatsuya (voiced by Miya Yuji) and Uesugi Kazuya (voiced by Namba Keiichi) are twin brothers who grew up together with Asakura Nana (voiced by Higashiko) who lives next door. All three of them entered Mingqing Academy to study. Although they are twins, Daya and Heya have completely opposite personalities. And she is also a school girl