The story takes place in 1943, during the most critical period of the Sino Japanese War. The high-level officials of Wang's puppet traitors rose up in rebellion, and Li Shiqun, the commander and head of the investigation department of the puppet Qingxiang Committee, was poisoned by the Japanese. His trusted secretary, Dai Suichang, managed to escape and prepared to defect to the Nationalist government in Chongqing. Given Dai's control over a large number of Japanese and Wang
The story takes place in 1943, during the most critical period of the Sino Japanese War. The high-level officials of Wang's puppet traitors rose up in rebellion, and Li Shiqun, the commander and head of the investigation department of the puppet Qingxiang Committee, was poisoned by the Japanese. His trusted secretary, Dai Suichang, managed to escape and prepared to defect to the Nationalist government in Chongqing. Given Dai's control over a large number of Japanese and Wang