The TV series "Police Emblem Duty" has entered its third season (referred to as "Police 3"), and Bai Weixiu once again plays Liao Xinyi. She returned from the peacekeeping forces and suffered psychological trauma while performing missions overseas. Fortunately, Tang Yaojia (played by Qi Yuwu) never leaves her. Since announcing their relationship in April, this is the first time that Bai Weixiu and Qi Yuwu have
The TV series "Police Emblem Duty" has entered its third season (referred to as "Police 3"), and Bai Weixiu once again plays Liao Xinyi. She returned from the peacekeeping forces and suffered psychological trauma while performing missions overseas. Fortunately, Tang Yaojia (played by Qi Yuwu) never leaves her. Since announcing their relationship in April, this is the first time that Bai Weixiu and Qi Yuwu have