The story tells of a woman named Itazu Yin who brings a 5-year-old boy to the home of Hiroshi and Mizuru Nohara, telling them that she is the biological mother of Shinnosuke, the 5-year-old son of Hiroshi and Mizuru. On the night they stayed overnight, the Nohara family was attacked by a mysterious ninja group. Xin Zhizhu was kidnapped. Pizu's Hidden Family is the Hometown of Ninjas
The story tells of a woman named Itazu Yin who brings a 5-year-old boy to the home of Hiroshi and Mizuru Nohara, telling them that she is the biological mother of Shinnosuke, the 5-year-old son of Hiroshi and Mizuru. On the night they stayed overnight, the Nohara family was attacked by a mysterious ninja group. Xin Zhizhu was kidnapped. Pizu's Hidden Family is the Hometown of Ninjas