The story takes place in the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, where Sun Bin (Ou Ruiwei) and Pang Juan (Huang Rihua) were close friends in times of adversity. My classmate said under the tutelage of Guiguzi (Bai Ying). Bin's uncle Sun Qiao and his family were killed by Zhong Liyan (Wang Qiqin), the adopted daughter of the leader of the assassin organization Nie Yun (Liu Dan), in order to protect Sun Lan's military strategy. Qiao, on his deathbed, ordered Bin to seek military strategy from Sun Lan
The story takes place in the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, where Sun Bin (Ou Ruiwei) and Pang Juan (Huang Rihua) were close friends in times of adversity. My classmate said under the tutelage of Guiguzi (Bai Ying). Bin's uncle Sun Qiao and his family were killed by Zhong Liyan (Wang Qiqin), the adopted daughter of the leader of the assassin organization Nie Yun (Liu Dan), in order to protect Sun Lan's military strategy. Qiao, on his deathbed, ordered Bin to seek military strategy from Sun Lan