The 40 episode TV series "Shanha Naohai" is set against the backdrop of the tremendous changes in the mountainous areas of Ningde, Fujian. It focuses on the exploration and innovation of new paths for poverty alleviation and targeted poverty alleviation by local party committees and governments, as well as the active response of local people of all ethnic groups. Local resources are utilized to pave the way, build bridges when encountering water, and overcome poverty and strive for a moderately prosperous society
The 40 episode TV series "Shanha Naohai" is set against the backdrop of the tremendous changes in the mountainous areas of Ningde, Fujian. It focuses on the exploration and innovation of new paths for poverty alleviation and targeted poverty alleviation by local party committees and governments, as well as the active response of local people of all ethnic groups. Local resources are utilized to pave the way, build bridges when encountering water, and overcome poverty and strive for a moderately prosperous society