The story takes place during the reign of Emperor Zong of the Tang Dynasty. Prince Nalandong (played by Lin Feng), who is known for his chivalry and righteousness in the folk, meets talented scholar Li Yi (played by Cheng Cheng) and singer Xiaoyu (played by Ye Xuan), and the three become close friends. Upon first meeting Xiaoyu, Nalandong was fascinated by her talent and appearance, but unfortunately, Li Yi and Xiaoyu fell in love, making it inconvenient for him to resort to violence to win love. Tai Wei (Zhou Shaodong)
The story takes place during the reign of Emperor Zong of the Tang Dynasty. Prince Nalandong (played by Lin Feng), who is known for his chivalry and righteousness in the folk, meets talented scholar Li Yi (played by Cheng Cheng) and singer Xiaoyu (played by Ye Xuan), and the three become close friends. Upon first meeting Xiaoyu, Nalandong was fascinated by her talent and appearance, but unfortunately, Li Yi and Xiaoyu fell in love, making it inconvenient for him to resort to violence to win love. Tai Wei (Zhou Shaodong)