Adapted from the popular WEBTOON manga series "Golden Spoon", Miss Luo Zhuxi (played by Zheng Caijuan), who is the fianc é e of the wealthy second-generation Huang Taiyong (played by Li Zhongyuan), has always been fond of the poor boy Li Chengtian (played by Lu Xingcai). Li Chengtian used a mysterious "golden spoon" to exchange identities with Huang Taiyong
Adapted from the popular WEBTOON manga series "Golden Spoon", Miss Luo Zhuxi (played by Zheng Caijuan), who is the fianc é e of the wealthy second-generation Huang Taiyong (played by Li Zhongyuan), has always been fond of the poor boy Li Chengtian (played by Lu Xingcai). Li Chengtian used a mysterious "golden spoon" to exchange identities with Huang Taiyong