Sima Liao Taro's masterpiece "峠" was first mirrored, directed by renowned director Yasushi Koizumi, and directed by Hiroshi Kusuo; amp; Zhong Daidaya& amp; Matsudaira Takako's super luxurious performance. "峠峠峠峠峠峠峠峠峠峠" tells the legendary life of a prominent figure in the late Edo period, the elder of the Nagaoka clan in Echigo, Yoshimasa Kawai, with Hiroshi Yoshimasa playing Yoshimasa Kawai
Sima Liao Taro's masterpiece "峠" was first mirrored, directed by renowned director Yasushi Koizumi, and directed by Hiroshi Kusuo; amp; Zhong Daidaya& amp; Matsudaira Takako's super luxurious performance. "峠峠峠峠峠峠峠峠峠峠" tells the legendary life of a prominent figure in the late Edo period, the elder of the Nagaoka clan in Echigo, Yoshimasa Kawai, with Hiroshi Yoshimasa playing Yoshimasa Kawai