As a contemporary anti theft and anti leakage television drama, "Spy Sea Tracking" showcases the life and death struggle between Chinese national security personnel and foreign spies to defend national security. It places great emphasis on the rationality of the play and the logic of the events. The plot is full of ups and downs, and contradictions and conflicts are on the verge of breaking out. At the same time, the drama incorporates many "brain burning" plots, including hackers
As a contemporary anti theft and anti leakage television drama, "Spy Sea Tracking" showcases the life and death struggle between Chinese national security personnel and foreign spies to defend national security. It places great emphasis on the rationality of the play and the logic of the events. The plot is full of ups and downs, and contradictions and conflicts are on the verge of breaking out. At the same time, the drama incorporates many "brain burning" plots, including hackers