This film tells the story of the intellectual battles between ICAC elites in Hong Kong and evil forces such as triads, drug trafficking, and smuggling groups. They each have their own expertise and have repeatedly made remarkable achievements in solving multiple cases. The female chief investigator Ye Yueying (played by Chen Farong), who is not inferior to men, and the shrewd, capable, and experienced senior investigator Lian Zhigang (played by Zhang Zhaohui)
This film tells the story of the intellectual battles between ICAC elites in Hong Kong and evil forces such as triads, drug trafficking, and smuggling groups. They each have their own expertise and have repeatedly made remarkable achievements in solving multiple cases. The female chief investigator Ye Yueying (played by Chen Farong), who is not inferior to men, and the shrewd, capable, and experienced senior investigator Lian Zhigang (played by Zhang Zhaohui)