The large-scale youth inspirational legendary ancient costume drama "The Legend of Chong'er" is produced by Zhao Guangbin, co directed by Lai Shuiqing and Zhao Jian, and starring Wang Longhua, Zhang Yishan, Zhang Hanyun, Pu Bajia, and others. The drama tells the story of Chong'er's inspirational rejuvenation and the touching and heart wrenching relationship with Qi Jiang, Li Ji, Ying Yue, and Ji Wei
The large-scale youth inspirational legendary ancient costume drama "The Legend of Chong'er" is produced by Zhao Guangbin, co directed by Lai Shuiqing and Zhao Jian, and starring Wang Longhua, Zhang Yishan, Zhang Hanyun, Pu Bajia, and others. The drama tells the story of Chong'er's inspirational rejuvenation and the touching and heart wrenching relationship with Qi Jiang, Li Ji, Ying Yue, and Ji Wei