Xiao Wu (played by Chang Yuan), who has always been at odds with his father Lao Wu (played by Wei Xiang), accidentally returns to the 1980s and disrupts his first encounter with his mother mainland (played by Ma Li). In order to correct this mistake, he tried his best to return to the past time and time again, encouraging his mother to chase after his father, and creating a series of hilarious farces that made people laugh and cry
Xiao Wu (played by Chang Yuan), who has always been at odds with his father Lao Wu (played by Wei Xiang), accidentally returns to the 1980s and disrupts his first encounter with his mother mainland (played by Ma Li). In order to correct this mistake, he tried his best to return to the past time and time again, encouraging his mother to chase after his father, and creating a series of hilarious farces that made people laugh and cry