"Magic Journey" is the first fully UE produced action series in China, featuring three elements and two hot blooded elements. The story takes place on the fantasy land of Kyushu, which is divided into two races: aliens and ordinary people. Among them, aliens are naturally able to control spiritual power, ranging from transforming weapons to summoning wind and rain. Ordinary people, on the other hand, rely on skillful techniques to compete with outsiders. Generations of two ethnic groups
"Magic Journey" is the first fully UE produced action series in China, featuring three elements and two hot blooded elements. The story takes place on the fantasy land of Kyushu, which is divided into two races: aliens and ordinary people. Among them, aliens are naturally able to control spiritual power, ranging from transforming weapons to summoning wind and rain. Ordinary people, on the other hand, rely on skillful techniques to compete with outsiders. Generations of two ethnic groups