The novel "Kite" by Seisei Matsudaira will be adapted into a movie for the first time, and the novel once won the first place in the selection of Kadokawa Bunko. The film will be directed by Keijiu Setase ("The Story of Heaven"), with Hiroshi Abe and Kazuki Kitamura ("Nian Nian Shouji") playing the roles of father and son, telling the story of Japan in the 1980s
The novel "Kite" by Seisei Matsudaira will be adapted into a movie for the first time, and the novel once won the first place in the selection of Kadokawa Bunko. The film will be directed by Keijiu Setase ("The Story of Heaven"), with Hiroshi Abe and Kazuki Kitamura ("Nian Nian Shouji") playing the roles of father and son, telling the story of Japan in the 1980s