The story takes place in 1919. Luan Xuetang (played by Gu Zhixin) was originally a small beggar with a life as worthless as grass. After wandering to Beijing, he coincidentally entered the Jifeng Tower and became a waiter. Later, he was expelled because he accidentally learned about the shopkeeper's undisclosed secret. Luan Xuetang's fate should not be cut off, he is at a loss
The story takes place in 1919. Luan Xuetang (played by Gu Zhixin) was originally a small beggar with a life as worthless as grass. After wandering to Beijing, he coincidentally entered the Jifeng Tower and became a waiter. Later, he was expelled because he accidentally learned about the shopkeeper's undisclosed secret. Luan Xuetang's fate should not be cut off, he is at a loss