"The Record of Washing Wrongs" is an adaptation of a book written during the Song Dynasty (1247 AD) called "The Record of Washing Wrongs". This groundbreaking masterpiece in forensic history records the life of Song Ci, a pioneer of Chinese forensic science, and how he meticulously solved the strange cases that stirred the court and the public at that time. Song Ci (played by Ouyang Zhenhua) was born
"The Record of Washing Wrongs" is an adaptation of a book written during the Song Dynasty (1247 AD) called "The Record of Washing Wrongs". This groundbreaking masterpiece in forensic history records the life of Song Ci, a pioneer of Chinese forensic science, and how he meticulously solved the strange cases that stirred the court and the public at that time. Song Ci (played by Ouyang Zhenhua) was born