Qian Mangui (played by Zhang Yilong), who lives in Quanyang Tun, has a beautiful and capable wife named Yang Qiqiao (played by Yan Xuejing), whose ancestral tomb is filled with smoke. Qiqiao is kind and friendly, filial to the elderly, and a skilled worker both inside and outside. And she brought her ancestral skills from her mother's family, and while farming, she managed the tofu shop business, thus
Qian Mangui (played by Zhang Yilong), who lives in Quanyang Tun, has a beautiful and capable wife named Yang Qiqiao (played by Yan Xuejing), whose ancestral tomb is filled with smoke. Qiqiao is kind and friendly, filial to the elderly, and a skilled worker both inside and outside. And she brought her ancestral skills from her mother's family, and while farming, she managed the tofu shop business, thus