Lin Ting (played by Li Xiaoran), Tian Tian (played by Ma Su), and Jia Jia (played by Liu Tao), born in the 1980s, live in the same city and each has a relaxed and ordinary job. Lin Ting, an obstetrician, became pregnant after a few years of marriage when she discovered that her husband Tang Dawei (played by Ran Xu) had an affair and lost her job due to her entanglement with him
Lin Ting (played by Li Xiaoran), Tian Tian (played by Ma Su), and Jia Jia (played by Liu Tao), born in the 1980s, live in the same city and each has a relaxed and ordinary job. Lin Ting, an obstetrician, became pregnant after a few years of marriage when she discovered that her husband Tang Dawei (played by Ran Xu) had an affair and lost her job due to her entanglement with him