In the year 501 of the Bermuda Planet Era, a merchant ship belonging to the Three Winds family, a maritime freight family, was sailing in the Devil's Sea. Suddenly, the calm sea surface caused a huge jolt on the ship's hull. The captain standing at the bow of the ship was thrown into the sea by the jolt, and he saw a huge white light curtain rising from the bottom of the sea into the sky. In an instant, the sea was steaming, and the merchant ship
In the year 501 of the Bermuda Planet Era, a merchant ship belonging to the Three Winds family, a maritime freight family, was sailing in the Devil's Sea. Suddenly, the calm sea surface caused a huge jolt on the ship's hull. The captain standing at the bow of the ship was thrown into the sea by the jolt, and he saw a huge white light curtain rising from the bottom of the sea into the sky. In an instant, the sea was steaming, and the merchant ship