"Beautiful Lies" tells the story of a promising young man named Cheng Gang who was once imprisoned for 18 years for accidentally killing his brother. After being released from prison, he not only has to bear the resentment of his sister-in-law towards him, but also strives to start a new life. However, Cheng Gang gradually realized that he was not the real culprit in killing his brother, and the twin children were not his own biological beings either
"Beautiful Lies" tells the story of a promising young man named Cheng Gang who was once imprisoned for 18 years for accidentally killing his brother. After being released from prison, he not only has to bear the resentment of his sister-in-law towards him, but also strives to start a new life. However, Cheng Gang gradually realized that he was not the real culprit in killing his brother, and the twin children were not his own biological beings either