The story of "Happy Family" describes Fang Tianxin (played by Dong Jie), the eldest daughter of the Fang family, who has always worked smoothly as the Chief Secretary of the Chairman of Jiangong Group. However, since the Chairman's son Wang Shuo (played by Zhai Tianlin) landed at the company, all of this came to an abrupt end. Tianxin was misunderstood for having an ambiguous relationship with the chairman, so under Wang Shuo's deliberate actions,
The story of "Happy Family" describes Fang Tianxin (played by Dong Jie), the eldest daughter of the Fang family, who has always worked smoothly as the Chief Secretary of the Chairman of Jiangong Group. However, since the Chairman's son Wang Shuo (played by Zhai Tianlin) landed at the company, all of this came to an abrupt end. Tianxin was misunderstood for having an ambiguous relationship with the chairman, so under Wang Shuo's deliberate actions,