The first documentary program in China that focuses on Chinese style lifestyle aesthetics. In the program, independent musicians, bands, and creators such as the band "Dedication", "Wutiao Ren", "Jiulian Zhenren", "Kangmusi", "Low Sorrow Ai", "Zhang Gachi", "Li Jingjin", "Xiaohe", "Lu Chen", "Zhong Lifeng", "Mo Xizi Shi", "Frog Pond", etc. will be invited to appear on stage, and will be invited to appear in each episode
The first documentary program in China that focuses on Chinese style lifestyle aesthetics. In the program, independent musicians, bands, and creators such as the band "Dedication", "Wutiao Ren", "Jiulian Zhenren", "Kangmusi", "Low Sorrow Ai", "Zhang Gachi", "Li Jingjin", "Xiaohe", "Lu Chen", "Zhong Lifeng", "Mo Xizi Shi", "Frog Pond", etc. will be invited to appear on stage, and will be invited to appear in each episode