One year after the disappearance of Xu Feng (Chen Jianfeng), the boyfriend of Lan Ping (Xu Zishan), patrol officer Lv Tao (Huang Zongze) discovered that Feng had already died, and the person who claimed the body was Ping himself! Soon, the wind suddenly appeared, making things more complicated and confusing, and even more so that the emotions between the screen and the wind had already sprouted. Everything, the original layout follows the mother behind the screen
One year after the disappearance of Xu Feng (Chen Jianfeng), the boyfriend of Lan Ping (Xu Zishan), patrol officer Lv Tao (Huang Zongze) discovered that Feng had already died, and the person who claimed the body was Ping himself! Soon, the wind suddenly appeared, making things more complicated and confusing, and even more so that the emotions between the screen and the wind had already sprouted. Everything, the original layout follows the mother behind the screen