This year, Da Yagi Shuo (voiced by Keno Maeno), who has been promoted to high school, is about to return to the small town he used to live in during his childhood to complete his high school studies. There, he met his childhood sweetheart Mino Meixing (voiced by Kato Ito) who had created a shadow for him. Under the coercion of Meixing, Mu Shuo joined in
This year, Da Yagi Shuo (voiced by Keno Maeno), who has been promoted to high school, is about to return to the small town he used to live in during his childhood to complete his high school studies. There, he met his childhood sweetheart Mino Meixing (voiced by Kato Ito) who had created a shadow for him. Under the coercion of Meixing, Mu Shuo joined in