Wang Junyi (played by Chen Romeo) is the commanding officer of the Civil Defense Force. He leads medical rescue personnel and firefighters, always doing his best to protect the injured and complete rescue work. Xuan Wen (played by Chen Chuhuan) and Shu Min (played by Fang Rong), who are in the same team, discover the brotherhood between their teammate Jayden (played by Deng Weide) and Junyi
Wang Junyi (played by Chen Romeo) is the commanding officer of the Civil Defense Force. He leads medical rescue personnel and firefighters, always doing his best to protect the injured and complete rescue work. Xuan Wen (played by Chen Chuhuan) and Shu Min (played by Fang Rong), who are in the same team, discover the brotherhood between their teammate Jayden (played by Deng Weide) and Junyi