In 1938, amidst the smoke of the war against Japan, in Niushan Town on the western edge of the Chaobai area in eastern Hebei, an imperial handwritten copy of the Tao Te Ching was inadvertently revealed. So, the Japanese army, fake anti Japanese armed groups, scattered soldiers, bandits, and people who had been prying into their secrets for many years and wanted to make a fortune by enduring hardships, flocked to them,
In 1938, amidst the smoke of the war against Japan, in Niushan Town on the western edge of the Chaobai area in eastern Hebei, an imperial handwritten copy of the Tao Te Ching was inadvertently revealed. So, the Japanese army, fake anti Japanese armed groups, scattered soldiers, bandits, and people who had been prying into their secrets for many years and wanted to make a fortune by enduring hardships, flocked to them,