The story begins with a soldier's family in 1986. Peng Fei, who is 18 years old, is a senior high school student who is about to face the college entrance examination. Father Peng Xiangjiang is a Chief of Staff of the Airborne Force. He devoted himself wholeheartedly to the military and worked outside for a long time. In order to support her husband's work, Peng Fei's mother Tian Haiyun, who came out of a prestigious school, gave up her own
The story begins with a soldier's family in 1986. Peng Fei, who is 18 years old, is a senior high school student who is about to face the college entrance examination. Father Peng Xiangjiang is a Chief of Staff of the Airborne Force. He devoted himself wholeheartedly to the military and worked outside for a long time. In order to support her husband's work, Peng Fei's mother Tian Haiyun, who came out of a prestigious school, gave up her own