After retiring from the military and returning to his hometown, Bai Shengbing (played by Wang Guanghui) discovers that he has been away from home for ten years. His hometown, led by his father Bai Baoguo (played by Li Yufeng), remains unchanged from ten years ago. Bai Shengbing, who has been baptized outside, conflicts with his father and is determined to change the situation. He rejected the opportunity to work in the armed forces department and became a volunteer teacher at the Women's University
After retiring from the military and returning to his hometown, Bai Shengbing (played by Wang Guanghui) discovers that he has been away from home for ten years. His hometown, led by his father Bai Baoguo (played by Li Yufeng), remains unchanged from ten years ago. Bai Shengbing, who has been baptized outside, conflicts with his father and is determined to change the situation. He rejected the opportunity to work in the armed forces department and became a volunteer teacher at the Women's University