A urban comedy that tells the story of a group of migrant workers' wives who, with the help of the "capable man" Feng Tiangui, work hard to start a business in the city. After many twists and turns, they finally make the city people look up to them in the face of their struggles. By chance, Feng Tiangui met Shen Xiuzhi, the wife of migrant worker Tan Youde, which caused a long-standing conflict between him and his wife
A urban comedy that tells the story of a group of migrant workers' wives who, with the help of the "capable man" Feng Tiangui, work hard to start a business in the city. After many twists and turns, they finally make the city people look up to them in the face of their struggles. By chance, Feng Tiangui met Shen Xiuzhi, the wife of migrant worker Tan Youde, which caused a long-standing conflict between him and his wife