The story takes place in the early stages of the Anti Japanese War. Faced with the full-scale invasion of the Japanese army, the Nationalist Air Force emerged a group of ambitious pilots led by Gao Yuntian (played by Shao Bing) and Liu Changling (played by Sha Yi). They relied on courage and wisdom to pilot battle eagles and fight against the Japanese invaders in the air. Liu Changling fell in love with the intelligence of underground Communist Party members
The story takes place in the early stages of the Anti Japanese War. Faced with the full-scale invasion of the Japanese army, the Nationalist Air Force emerged a group of ambitious pilots led by Gao Yuntian (played by Shao Bing) and Liu Changling (played by Sha Yi). They relied on courage and wisdom to pilot battle eagles and fight against the Japanese invaders in the air. Liu Changling fell in love with the intelligence of underground Communist Party members