This drama is adapted from the manga of the same name and tells the story of Oda Asahi's mother's accidental death when she was a child. She lives with her father, who runs one of Japan's few comprehensive businesses, the Oda Group. However, shortly after entrusting the old key, known as the "Devil's Key," to Asahi, her father is killed by a mysterious person in front of her eyes. In order to explore with my father
This drama is adapted from the manga of the same name and tells the story of Oda Asahi's mother's accidental death when she was a child. She lives with her father, who runs one of Japan's few comprehensive businesses, the Oda Group. However, shortly after entrusting the old key, known as the "Devil's Key," to Asahi, her father is killed by a mysterious person in front of her eyes. In order to explore with my father