The characters played by Hideyoshi Nishijima, Saito Gong, Tana Yucheng, Daisuke Miyagawa, and Tomoha Miura are all members of a gang of robbers who do not disclose their identities to each other. They targeted the money laundering scene of the secret triad organization in the Lover's Inn and successfully completed the task of robbing huge sums of money. Although the members returned to their respective lives
The characters played by Hideyoshi Nishijima, Saito Gong, Tana Yucheng, Daisuke Miyagawa, and Tomoha Miura are all members of a gang of robbers who do not disclose their identities to each other. They targeted the money laundering scene of the secret triad organization in the Lover's Inn and successfully completed the task of robbing huge sums of money. Although the members returned to their respective lives