The movie "Yes, I Can't Swim" is adapted from the work of Hideki Takahashi. The protagonist, played by Hiroshi Hasegawa, is a stubborn philosopher named Yukio Kotori who always makes excuses despite being a dry duck that dares not even touch water. Ayase Yao plays the eccentric coach Shizuka Kashihara, who is very enthusiastic about teaching swimming, but otherwise clumsy
The movie "Yes, I Can't Swim" is adapted from the work of Hideki Takahashi. The protagonist, played by Hiroshi Hasegawa, is a stubborn philosopher named Yukio Kotori who always makes excuses despite being a dry duck that dares not even touch water. Ayase Yao plays the eccentric coach Shizuka Kashihara, who is very enthusiastic about teaching swimming, but otherwise clumsy