The story takes place in the era of universal ownership in 1989. The little boy Liao Jie and his father Liao Tailai rely on each other, believing that human nature is inherently good and not realizing that the world is changing. The stock market skyrocketed, prices doubled, some people became wealthy overnight, while others realized the harsh reality; The simple and honest father and son of Liao Jie belong to the latter. Unexpectedly, they collided
The story takes place in the era of universal ownership in 1989. The little boy Liao Jie and his father Liao Tailai rely on each other, believing that human nature is inherently good and not realizing that the world is changing. The stock market skyrocketed, prices doubled, some people became wealthy overnight, while others realized the harsh reality; The simple and honest father and son of Liao Jie belong to the latter. Unexpectedly, they collided