The movie is adapted from the novel "Heikka Monogatari: The Dog King" by Kazuo Furukawa, and was written by the screenwriter of "Non Natural Death", Akiko Nogi. Tell the story of the friendship between the musician "Dog King" and the pipa mage "Youyu" who sings the legendary life of the Dog King. Matsumoto Yoshitaka is responsible for designing the original character design, with Ryo Oho in charge
The movie is adapted from the novel "Heikka Monogatari: The Dog King" by Kazuo Furukawa, and was written by the screenwriter of "Non Natural Death", Akiko Nogi. Tell the story of the friendship between the musician "Dog King" and the pipa mage "Youyu" who sings the legendary life of the Dog King. Matsumoto Yoshitaka is responsible for designing the original character design, with Ryo Oho in charge