In April 1938, the Eighth Route Army in the Taihang Mountains successfully crushed the "Nine Route Encirclement" of the invading Japanese army. The heinous Japanese army secretly formulated the "Ant Operation" to drop biochemical weapons and the plan to arrest the famous doctor of the Eighth Route Army, Li Shengnan, and destroy biochemical evidence, in an attempt to salvage the defeat. Yang Cheng, the commander of a certain unit of the Eighth Route Army, was ordered to lead a team deep into the enemy
In April 1938, the Eighth Route Army in the Taihang Mountains successfully crushed the "Nine Route Encirclement" of the invading Japanese army. The heinous Japanese army secretly formulated the "Ant Operation" to drop biochemical weapons and the plan to arrest the famous doctor of the Eighth Route Army, Li Shengnan, and destroy biochemical evidence, in an attempt to salvage the defeat. Yang Cheng, the commander of a certain unit of the Eighth Route Army, was ordered to lead a team deep into the enemy