The drama tells the story of a powerful woman named Dugu Ruonan (played by Chen Qiao'en) who is suddenly betrayed by her subordinate artist Song Zihao (played by Wang Zirui) and employees, and her thriving career plummets overnight. Ruonan, who never gives up, vows to make a comeback. She is putting in a lot of effort to build Sida (played by Chen Youwei) and embarks on a second journey in her career
The drama tells the story of a powerful woman named Dugu Ruonan (played by Chen Qiao'en) who is suddenly betrayed by her subordinate artist Song Zihao (played by Wang Zirui) and employees, and her thriving career plummets overnight. Ruonan, who never gives up, vows to make a comeback. She is putting in a lot of effort to build Sida (played by Chen Youwei) and embarks on a second journey in her career