"The Memories of the Republic of China" tells the story of the summer of 1926, when the Guangdong Revolutionary Government had just begun the Northern Expedition and China's future was unpredictable. A mysterious assassin infiltrated Shanghai with the aim of assassinating Bi Chengyuan during the meeting of the Four Nations envoys convened by the Beiyang Governor Bi Chengyuan. Once this news was spread, it aroused various sectors in the Beiyang region
"The Memories of the Republic of China" tells the story of the summer of 1926, when the Guangdong Revolutionary Government had just begun the Northern Expedition and China's future was unpredictable. A mysterious assassin infiltrated Shanghai with the aim of assassinating Bi Chengyuan during the meeting of the Four Nations envoys convened by the Beiyang Governor Bi Chengyuan. Once this news was spread, it aroused various sectors in the Beiyang region