The legendary drama "Angry Sea and Red Dust" is starring He Shengming, Sun Jian, Jessica C, Zhong Chuxi, Wang Shuang, Ma Jinghan, and others; Gold medalist TV producer Wang Yubo serves as the lead producer, directed by Liu Wen and written by Wang Hui. The top domestic production team is dedicated to creating it. Recently, "Angry Sea and Red Dust" was first exposed
The legendary drama "Angry Sea and Red Dust" is starring He Shengming, Sun Jian, Jessica C, Zhong Chuxi, Wang Shuang, Ma Jinghan, and others; Gold medalist TV producer Wang Yubo serves as the lead producer, directed by Liu Wen and written by Wang Hui. The top domestic production team is dedicated to creating it. Recently, "Angry Sea and Red Dust" was first exposed